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Certificate in ESOL International (CEF B2) is designed for all “non-native English” speakers that are required to improve their English language sills at CEFR Level B2. Candidates taking Certificate in ESOL International (CEF B2) will need to demonstrate that they can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options. Candidate responses will be at a level of language that would be expected on the Common European Framework of References for Language (CEFR) at B2.

Why ESOL International?

Candidates interested in taking the Certificate in ESOL International (CEF B2) may include those:

  • need a starting point in order to work in an English speaking environment,
  • work or seeking work in a English speaking environment,
  • living and working in a country where the native and official language is English.

Candidates who take certificate in ESOL International (CEF B2) are made up of a range of different national and cultural backgrounds.

Entry Requirements

There are no entry requirements for candidates upon taking this qualification, including prior knowledge, levels of understanding and areas of familiarity. It is also not necessary for candidates to have achieved a qualification in English prior to registering.


Certificate in ESOL International (CEF B2) has been designed to reflect the wide variation on candidates’ origins, levels of education and career aims. Progression opportunities may, therefore, take a variety of paths. Depending on the level of qualification achieved, it may be appropriate for the candidate to progress to:

  • A higher level of any ESOL International qualification
  • A key skills or functional skills qualification
  • Vocational qualifications
  • Access to Higher Education

Language of Assessment

Our aim to use English that is plain, clear, free from bias and appropriate to all candidates. ICA will ensure the assessment materials, stimuli and the assessment itself are carried out in English.

Qualification Overview

ESOL International (CEF B2) is a single unit qualification. Candidates are assessed in all four components of:

  • Reading
  • Listening
  • Writing
  • Speaking

The total time for this qualification are 256 hours

Administration & Assessment Delivery

The duration of ESOL International (CEF B2) is 2 hours and 46 minutes with the main test sitting (reading, listening and writing) lasting 2 hours and 30 minutes in on continuous assessment session on the same day. Speaking tests are scheduled between one and three days before or after the main test sitting.

Key Features

Course length 6 – 9 Months
Start dates February, June & September
Registration fee £250.00
Tuition fee £4500.00